
白色大樓-天台 White Building - Rooftop

白色大樓-天台 White Building - Rooftop

高畫質單頻道錄像裝置 single-channel HD video,4'25",2016

Nou Samnang and Mel Phanna are young Chapei Dong Veng musicians. They were invited to hold a performance event on the rooftop of the White Building, and all the residents in this building were invited to attend. The video comprised this main scene. The performance is in the form of traditional Chapei Dong Veng, while the two of them have a conversation that is sometimes against each other. The history and current state of the White Building are hence presented in a witty way.

Nou Samnang與Mel Phanna是兩位年輕的柬埔寨魯特琴(Chapei Dong Veng)表演者,藝術家邀請他們在白色大樓的屋頂平台上舉辦一場表演活動,並邀請大樓裡的居民參加,並以此作為影片拍攝的主要場景。表演的內容是一種傳統的柬埔寨魯特琴說唱擂台形式,兩個人時而一搭一唱,時而針鋒相對,以詼諧的方式表述白色大樓的歷史與現況。

