
一位來自金三角的演員 The Actor from Golden Triangle

一位來自金三角的演員 The Actor from Golden Triangle

虛擬實境 、鏡面裝置、雙頻道錄像裝置
Virtual reality, mirror installation, Two-channel installation. 9'53". 2023


藝術家邀請了泰國演員Oak Keerati參與此新作。Oak曾參演《湄公河行動》和《泰國洞穴救援》,兩者皆講述了在泰北地區所發生的事件。在VR裝置中,Oak的虛擬形象身穿動作捕捉服,化身成他曾演過的角色,甚至化身為賭場老板,反映了湄公河周邊新興的經濟特區。他同時也是鴉片之家(House of Opium)的經營者,藝術家在鴉片之家中選定其中一個展間和一些與鴉片相關的文物進行3D掃描。同時,Lanna Youth Conservation Team (ทีมงานเยาวชนรักษ์ศิลป์ล้านนา)也應邀在航行於湄公河的船上進行傳統的打擊演出,鼓聲與說唱融為一體,影片中出現在森林裡的神秘生物「Toh」則反映佛教傳說中的喜瑪潘(Himmapan or Himavanta)森林。


This work focuses on the history, myths, and contemporary geopolitics of the Golden Triangle. It weaves a narrative that traverses from the poppy folklore in traditional northern Thai tribes to the recent proliferation of poppy fields in the border mountainous regions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The artist presents this theme through VR, blending rap and traditional Thai performances.

The artist extended the invitation to the Thai actor Oak Keerati. Oak Keerati appeared in the films "Operation Mekong" and "Thai Cave Rescue", both about the happenings in Northern Thailand. In the VR installation, Oak's avatar is in a motion capture suit, transforming into these film characters and even into a casino owner, reflecting the Special Economic Zone emerging around the Mekong River. He and his mother also run the House of Opium contributed 3D-scanned space and opium-related artefacts within the work. The Lanna Arts Conservation Youth Team is also invited to perform traditional drumming on the boat sailing the Mekong River, with the drumbeat merging with the rap compositions, and in the forest as a mythical creature, Toh, reflecting the Buddhist legend of the Himavanta forest.

This work is presented in both VR and video installation. The VR device must be worn in pairs, offering a shared immersive experience with a changing avatar that changes their appearance in the same way as Oak does. Those who wear VR also become part of the work in the eyes of other viewers. The artist brings together these multifaceted elements tied to Northern Thailand in this VR work, bridging the realms of tradition and modernity, myth and history, highlighting the frontier mountainous region transforms into a sophisticated digital economy zone with the dual connotations of an 'open world' of intertwined geopolitics and the digital age.

