
白色大樓-猴子舞 White Building - Sva Pul

白色大樓-猴子舞 White Building - Sva Pul

高畫質單頻道錄像裝置 single-channel HD video,2'37",2016

Sva Pul is a Cambodian traditional dance. The dancers are mainly children with masks on their faces as pupils of Hanuman, the Monkey God. The artist invited them to perform on the ground floor of the White Building. As the original design of the White Building adapted one of Rural Khmer houses, the ground floor used to be an open space until the residents built houses there when it became shallow and dark. The dancers are giving an impromptu performance in the cramped space. The artist also invited architect Pen Sereypagna to make a 3D animation depicting the original building and display it along with Sva Pul.

猴子舞(Sva Pul)是一種柬埔寨的傳統舞蹈,舞者為以身形較為嬌小的孩童為主,他們頭戴面具,扮演的是猴神哈努曼(Hanuman)的子弟兵。藝術家邀請他們在白色大樓的一樓(ground floor)表演。原本的白色大樓結合了柬埔寨傳統的高架屋設計,因此一樓是一個開放的交流空間,如今則是居民自建居所,成為一個狹小封閉的陰暗空間。舞者在狹小的空間中穿梭,即興演出。另外,藝術家也邀請建築師Pen Sereypagna繪製建築原貌的3D動畫,與猴子舞一同呈現。

