
花東新村 Huatung Village

花東新村 Huatung Village

五頻道錄像裝置 five-channel video installation, 7'35 ",2009
音樂製作:Sammy Chien
Music supervisor: Sammy Chien

Huatung Village was once an Amis tribal settlement in Taipei's Xizhi district. In 1984, there were three aboriginal families farming vegetables there. By 1996, it had already become a whole tribal community consisting of 215 families. It was a massive block of illegal buildings. The villagers used sheets of iron, wood, and other materials that they had gathered to build houses and buildings. They also used those materials to build traditional tribal lookouts, community meeting rooms, and churches. In 1997, the government evicted the whole village and moved them to subsidized government housing. Nowadays, if one tries to find the village's original location, one can only see a few ruins left behind. The original Huatung village had no electricity supply. At night, the residents had to light candles for illumination. Because of this, there were many fires in this area. However, the residents set the last great fire as they had already prepared to vacate the area.

The artist invited the previous chieftain of Huatung Village to give a narrative in the Amis language of what had happened there using juxtaposing separate audio and video tracks to reconstruct an already non-existent tribe in a real area. Filming began during the daytime and continued into the night. At the same time, the video's structure changed from documentation to another approach: the artist wanted to constantly blend the layers between the location (documentation) and the scene (narrative) to create something new.

The narrative in this work interweaves three scenes: the first scene was the chieftain's oral history of the already non-existent tribe; the second scene was the filming of the actual site, and the third scene was presented on five LCD TV split screens with marquee subtitles: the exhibition.




