
3月14日,紅墈體育館 March 14, Hong Kong Coliseum

3月14日,紅墈體育館 March 14, Hong Kong Coliseum

雙頻道錄像裝置 two-channel video installation, 7'43",2009
Music supervisor: Fang Yen Hsiang

Narrated by Chinese Malaysian singer Fish Leong, the project March 14, Hong Kong Coliseum follows her tour through different cities in Asia, including Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore, Malaysia, Beijing, Guangzhou, Kunming, and Chengdu. Shooting the tour involved a lot of time spent travelling. The travelling and shooting did not create a self-evident world of images or events. Instead, it resulted in the discovery of extraordinary locations. By focusing on a time or place unknown to the public, I am introducing it to them. And although the time and the spaces are real, the video slightly distorts reality, and the moments become myths or legends.

There was a huge entertainment industry with a pan-Asian approach. The tour moved from city to city, and the stage, lighting, and songs at each event were similar wherever it went. Each concert scene was also a confrontation between globalisation and local cultures. As an experienced singer, Fish Leong's voiceover describes various sounds, which she interprets as metaphors for the cities she visited. Even though they hold real events, the filmed, empty concert venues seem enormous and fictional. Here, the concerts represent globalisation, but the video work makes this connection drift apart.

March 14, Hong Kong Coliseum consists of two channels. One is a single-channel video directly projected onto the screen. Shot in Hong Kong, this more narrative-like video is presented with quick cuts, subtitles, and Fish Leong's voiceover. The other video is projected onto the screen's front and back. This video, shot in Shanghai, features longer cuts projected onto lithe, soft-screen material. Compared to the narrative images shot in Hong Kong, the Shanghai videos are more like "image objects." The exhibition space is lined with a red carpet, and the screens display empty concert scenes. Within this setup, the audience responds to the narrative and meditates in real space (with two images from different cities inside the exhibition room). These two images of cities presented in one exhibition space introduce the off-screen - a larger world beyond the images themselves (i.e., the whole world off-screen).



作品由兩個影像同步播放構成,一個為單面觀看的正向投影,影片拍攝的地點是香港,由較短的鏡頭組成,同時包含字幕以及梁靜茹的配音,敘事性較強。另一個影像為背投影的雙面觀看,拍攝的地點是上海,鏡頭的長度較長,包含背投影布幕輕盈的材質,相較於香港的敘事性影像,性質上更接近一種影像物件。空間內安置紅地毯 (取自演唱會現場的地毯),演唱會的現場是一個無人的場景,使觀眾連結影片空間的講述工作,在存在的空間之間去默想(兩個不同城市影像與展場空間)。兩個不同城市的影像在同一個展覽空間內呈現,召喚一種鏡外空間,一個遠比影像本身還廣大的範圍(世界作為成堆的鏡外空間)。


和平島故事 The Story of Hoping Island

和平島故事 The Story of Hoping Island

單頻道錄像裝置 single-channel video installation, 12'40",2008
Music supervisor: Fang Yen Hsiang

The Story of Hoping Island was shot in a shipyard on Hoping Island in Keelung, which has 88 years of history. During the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, it was the Japanese government's southernmost shipyard, and as such, it supported Imperial Japanese southward expansion. After the retrocession of Taiwan, the shipyard played a crucial role in Taiwan's economic takeoff. This shipyard represents a highly compressed, symbolic timeframe from WWII to now. The shipyard reflects how the locals identify themselves based on their specific local histories and how the national government encodes and directs history. To support this history, complicated traditions and myths are continually developed and developing. So Hsu Chia-Wei shot this shipyard, a real space, and responded to the shipyard's other historical side: the legend.

The whole scene of The Story of Hoping Island was shot in the shipyard in Hoping Island. The artist invited his grandmother, who had received Japanese education, to describe the situation in Japanese. Through the process of narratives, this place, usually with numerous workers, seems remote and deserted, caused by no people appearing in the video. In this work, the artist regarded this shipyard as a memory crystal to develop the narratives. Through the complexity of place and memory, this place becomes an effective instrument to reproduce memory.

In this video, an artist-created Creature—Ni-Ku, is the only element to connect to the narrative. It has weightless science-fictional characteristics: both the military detector and the luminary. The artist also put electronic music with shattered rhythms in the background. Through this tiny creature, this work responds to the grand era, as do the fictional narratives that respond to the political statement. It also permeates through history, memory and dream. Or we could say that history itself seems like a memory and dream to some extent. This work has many usages of "light", including the luminous Ni-Ku in the narratives, the sparkling gem-like light in the shipyard, the lighting at the end of the video, and the physics light from the projector in the space. In the illusory dimension, with its light-like non-material characteristic, this work transits the immense and massive history to a legend.

The Story of Hoping Island lies in the constantly overlapped process of history and dream, image space and physical space, reality and fiction. While national governments continuously constructed their own identification, this work becomes a weightless, fictional space and provides a breathing break.





The Story of Hoping Island was presented in the Taipei Fine Art Museum in December 2008.


戰事 War

戰事 War

三張攝影 Three photographs, 2008

This photograph series is taken in a park in Pingzhen, Taoyuan. The tank made in the Korean War is now discarded and stored in the park as sculptures. The artist uses lighting techniques in filmmaking and transforms the park into a theatre stage. Photography in this work is not used to summon the past of tanks but to respond to the war and fictional language in film and games, etc.
