
截至2019年的工作路徑 Work Paths Until 2019

截至2019年的工作路徑 Work Paths Until 2019

裝置 Installation,尺寸依場地而定 Dimension Variable,2019 

Hsu Chia-Wei’s 2008 The Story of Hoping Island centred on the shipyard on Hoping Island, under which lay the 17th-century fortress rebuilt by the Dutch East India Company. Hsu’s creative process has focused on traces leading from this starting point for the past two years. This installation depicts a network of relationships from the initial archaeological site, describing a map of movements as well. The elaborate network extends from Hoping Island across Asia, comprising the Dutch Governor’s House in Malacca built in 1641, the Fort Noord-Holland rebuilt in 1642, and the war between Cambodia and the Dutch in 1644. We also trace relationships between Malacca and William Farquhar of the British East India Company, elephants and Malayan tapirs, the shared Classical Chinese character for both “tapir” and “panda,” and connections between the Dutch East India Company, deerskins, Taiwan and Sengoku-period Japan. These dynamic connections crossing space and time become key images, with three archaeological scenes from the underwater to high mountains as background, featuring in the central map of this exhibition, with connections ever-increasing through the creative process-a use of the modern-day digital internet of Things to peer into the colonial Network of Things.

許家維2008年的作品《和平島故事》曾拍攝和平島上的造船廠,這地點下方埋藏了十七世紀荷蘭東印度公司的北荷蘭城,從此線索出發,成為他近兩年的創作方向。這裝置呈現藝術家從和平島的考古事件所擴展出的關係圖,也是某種行動的路徑。從和平島延伸至亞洲區域,交織出複雜的關係網絡,例如1641年建造的麻六甲荷蘭總督府、1642年改建的北荷蘭城以及1644年發生的柬荷大戰,這三者之間的關聯;麻六甲與英國東印度公司總督威廉・法夸爾(William Farquhar)、大象、馬來貘之間的關係;馬來貘與熊貓在字源學上的同源;荷蘭東印度公司、鹿皮、台灣與日本戰國時代的連結等等。這些跨越時空的元素成為關鍵字影像,以水下到高山的三種考古現場作為背景,在關係圖中呈現出相互的動態連結,並隨著創作行動的過程中不斷增生,試圖以今日數位的物聯網思考方式,觀看殖民時代的物聯網。 

黃宏錡攝影  北師美術館提供

黃宏錡攝影  北師美術館提供


武士與鹿 Samurai and Deer

武士與鹿 Samurai and Deer

雙頻道錄像裝置 two-channel video installation,8’50”,2019

Taking as its launch point the trading network of the 17th century, this work traces the common commodity of deerskin through hyperconnections transcending time and space. Since European coinage was not popularly accepted in 17th-century Asia, the Dutch East India Company relied on instead of barter, for example, trading Indonesian spices for Taiwanese deerskins and reselling large quantities of deer skins in Japan for silver, and finally using this silver as capital for further trade.

Deerskin was in high demand in Japan, as Edo-period samurai culture consumed large quantities of armour, accessories, and clothing. Yet after years of overhunting, Taiwan could not keep up with the demand for deerskins in Japan. As such, the Dutch East India Company searched for alternative sources, finally coming to Phnom Penh in Cambodia in an attempt to corner the deerskin market. As a result, they came into conflict with the Cambodian king, who launched a series of naval wars from 1643 to 1644 along the Mekong River to expel the Dutch East India Company and, in the end, succeeded in their efforts.

The deerskin trade brought samurai culture, Dutch-Cambodian wars, and Taiwan into a complicated, interconnected relationship, which the artist has brought into the contemporary age. Videos shot in Cambodian and Japan include oral narratives from keepers at the Phnom Penh zoo, aerial footage of the Mekong River at the location where the Dutch and Cambodian armies fought, and modern-day cargo ships carrying gravel, as well as interview and handicraft footage from a Tokyo samurai armour workshop, and the images of underwater archaeology and the shipwreck. Four video windows with different hues connect each other crossing time and space.




黃宏錡攝影 北師美術館提供


馬來貘 - 畫布三幅 Malayan Tapir on Canvas Tri-Set

In the seventeenth century, European countries expanded their maritime trade and economic path to Asia. In addition to the flow of merchandise, the development of knowledge systems such as biology and science was also linked with the growing trade expansion. From Macao, Natural History Drawings, which were used to record the ecology of animals and plants, were introduced to China. The first commander of the British East India Company, Mr William Farquhar, who was sent to Malacca, hired a Chinese painter to record the flora and fauna of the Peninsula of Malaysia. This collection of natural history has become a valuable resource for understanding the ecology and history of this time.

Today the Natural History Drawings of the colonial period are an essential basis for understanding the life forms of the past. Many animals and plants were also included in a scientific system and named according to their characteristics. These Natural History Drawings were closely linked to science and art, and the advancement of art techniques led to the further development of science. As we can see in this collection, the close connection of science, art, commerce, and politics in the colonial era is akin to today's "Internet of Things", which connects various events or individuals together.

With modern technology, the artist uses the narrative of Natural History Drawings, combining various images, technology products, software backgrounds and Natural History Drawings using the collage technique.

十七世紀歐洲國家拓展海上貿易與經濟的路徑來到亞洲,除了商品貨物的流動,也連動著生物學、科學等知識系統建立的發展。當時用來記錄動植物生態的自然歷史繪畫從澳門傳入中國。英國東印度公司派任麻六甲的第一任司令威廉・法夸爾(William Farquhar) 則曾經雇用中國畫師,繪製馬來西亞半島的動植物,這一系列的收藏成為現今了解當時生態與歷史的重要自然歷史繪畫。



黃宏錡攝影 北師美術館提供

陽光沙灘上的糖棕 Sugar Palms on the Sunny Beach

金屬支架 Metal Bracket、藝術微噴於畫布 C-print on Canvas, 133.5 (H) x 99 (W) x 14.5 (THK) cm,2019
The protagonist in Hsu's Work: Sugar Palms on the Sunny Beach, is a native plant in Southeast Asia. This fruit can make sugar, and its juice can also extract alcohol. This plant is also an important cash crop in the region. In today's consumer society impression, palm trees, ocean, beach, sun and birds create a kind of holiday imagination. Between these palm trees, we can find various birds, such as the "Oriental bay owl", the "Chestnut-breasted Malkoha", the "Woodpecker", the "black-and-red broadbill", the "Rufous-Winged Philentoma" and the "Asian Paradise-flycatcher".


秘境森林中的幼年馬來貘 The Small Malayan Tapir in the Mystery Forest

金屬支架 Metal Bracket、藝術微噴於畫布 C-print on Canvas,133.5 (H) x 99 (W) x 14.5 (THK) cm,2019

Several animals such as The seabird "Tern", "Slow Loris", the "Dark-Handed Gibbon" and the Small "Malayan Tapir" appear in Hsu's Work: The Small Malayan Tapir in the Mystery Forest. The Small Malayan Tapir's body pattern differs from the Adult Malayan Tapir. These tiny white spots and lines scattered on the brown body are a protective colour that helps the Tapir disappear in the forest. After the Malayan Tapir grows into adulthood, his white spots gradually fade away and turn into familiar black-and-white shapes.


成年馬來貘在群山之中 The Adult Malayan Tapir is Surrounded by Mountains

金屬支架 Metal Bracket、藝術微噴於畫布 C-print on Canvas,99 (H) x 133.5 (H) x 14.5 (THK) cm,2019

In The Adult Malayan Tapir is Surrounded by Mountains, a tree-dwelling mammal "Mole", a "Pangolin", the "Grey-Cheeked Flying Squirrel" and the "House Mouse" are surrounded by mountains in the forest. In the centre, a big Malayan Tapir steps out of the TV screen and enters the canvas world.
