
疊錄 Overdubbing

疊錄 Overdubbing

雙頻道錄像裝置 two-channel video installation,11',2011

Chia-Wei Hsu partnered with the band "relax-ONE," filmed the rehearsal of the band "relax-ONE," and projected it on a double-sided screen to present the processes of the sight and sound prospectively. The projection used for this work is connected with the concept of off-screen. On the one hand, the artist shot the band rehearsing at the studio; on the other hand, the image of the recording engineer is shown. The audience can only see one side at a time instead of both sets. They have to walk around the projection to get the full picture. What is behind the image is a process of reemergence and production; at the same time, it is also a sculpture suspended in the air.

On display on site are some instruments and stage lightings, and playing in the background is pre-recorded music. However, what the musicians are playing on site are fake soundless instruments. The most interesting aspect is that we cannot see the music video on screen; instead, what is shown is the set where the music video was made. Presented to the audience is a visual setting that is quite bizarre, with soundless instruments and a performer with her mouth shut. In other words, it is an act of realistically portraying something imaginative.

